I wanted to thank everyone who has donated a book or some money for our special bookcase at the clinic. These books mean a lot to the children who come to the clinic and every time I go in to straighten the shelves and add more books, the staff tells me how much the books help and has become important to the children. Cindy, the nurse pictured below has told me there is one little boy she really has a hard time getting to sit still so she can take his blood pressure. He is really into construction equipment and she uses the books we pick especially for him to bribe him to sit still. I remember when Karl was into that and wanted to be a bulldozer operator when he grew up, so I can identify with this kid. Cindy also tells the kids that the books come from the “Book Fairy” which is a title I am proud to wear.
We appreciate the grant we received from the Sunshine Lady Foundation and all of you who have mailed in money. Some times we will receive a book that is part of a series and I like to be able to go and buy—and it is often at a used book store, to finish out the series. That way the child has all the books to read. Living with Karl, the big reader, I learned how important this is. We all want to know what happens next in the story, don’t we?
So, a special thanks to all of you who have helped me make this possible for these kids who need this form of escape so badly.
My love, Kathy the Book Fairy
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