Saturday, May 24, 2008

Book Collection Site

Many of you know, I am closing our perennial plant nursery after 20 years. It has been a major part of our lives and Karl grew up there. It was often the place he and his friends played in the sand while my mom and I worked. I have grown tired of the back breaking work and need more daily contact with people, especially children since Karl is no longer here. I found a job as a preschool teacher at Resurrection United Methodist Church (across from Githens Middle School). It just so happens to be the preschool Karl attended for 3 years. I feel very comfortable there and enjoy the group of women I'm working with. It is one many places I donated some of my perennials, so as you drive by, notice the plants at their entrance. They are also hosting a book drive bin and I thank them for that.

Let me know if your church, scout troop or organization would like to host a book bin.
Many thanks from me, the hospital staff and the many children we are helping.


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